My First Blog Post

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde.

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

3 Reasons to Get a Professional Dental Cleaning Service 

Observing good oral hygiene should be your top priority. Every day, you are ingesting foods likely to create plaque in hidden parts of your mouth. Regular brushing of teeth won’t remove them. Without professional cleaning, you will develop gum infection and bone loss. If care isn’t taken, the condition will cause loss of teeth too. Hence, you need the services of a dentist to maintain good oral health. Listed here are reasons to get a professional dental cleaning service. 

Minimizing Dental Disease and Infection 

Dentists have studied the mouth extensively. They know the various places likely to hide plaque. Apart from having this knowledge, they have special machines and tools to remove it. Remember, it is the unreachable plaque that causes dental infections and disease. Visiting the dentist Oakville for regular cleaning will keep these illnesses at bay. 

Early Detection of Symptoms 

It takes skill, knowledge, and the right dental tools and machines to detect oral problems. So, you cannot identify any dental issues at home. Remember, ignoring dental checkups is why oral cancer is spreading like wildfire. To avoid this illness which leads to death, visit your preferred specialist at least twice a year. While cleaning the teeth, they can detect any emerging problem and treat it immediately. 

A Brighter Smile 

If you do not clean your teeth properly, they will be discolored. That will dull your smile and your beauty. The whitest teeth give the brightest smile. Unfortunately, you cannot eradicate some stains by flossing and regular brushing. So, visit your Oakville dentist for proper cleaning. The specialist can use effective bleaching products to whiten your teeth if necessary. 

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3 Top Tips for Keeping Your Teeth in Perfect Shape 

Everyone is responsible for caring for their oral health. A slight laxity will create room for infections and tooth decay. Remember, an attack on the teeth will ruin your beauty. If you are keen on protecting and enhancing your beauty, taking care of your teeth should be a top priority. The state of your oral health depends on the commitment to following the dentist’s advice. Listed below are top tips for keeping your teeth in perfect shape. s

Sticking to Your Cleaning Routine 

Sometimes we find it difficult to follow our regular dental cleaning routine. When you are preoccupied with other things, it is possible to forget brushing or flossing your teeth. Skipping to clean your teeth will increase the buildup of tartar. Visit your dentist Oakville for professional cleaning too. The specialist will use special tools to remove the unreachable plaque. So, ensure you go for expert service at least twice a year. 

Professional Treatment 

Whenever you have a dental infection or problem, visit a dentist immediately. Ignoring the issue and subscribing to home treatment will make it worse. That is because you don’t know how to treat the condition. A reliable dental expert will diagnose it accurately and offer an amicable solution. That will restore your oral health quickly. 

Cancer Screening 

A visit to the Oakville dentist can save your life from terminal conditions. Unfortunately, many people lost their lives due to oral cancer. According to professionals, late detection of this disease caused their death. This ailment will ruin every part of your mouth, including the teeth. You won’t have an attractive smile too. Hence, going for cancer screening is inevitable for folks desiring top-notch oral health. 

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Here Are 3 Common Myths About Toothaches

Anyone who has ever experienced a toothache will tell you that it is one of the most uncomfortable states to be in. It is always advisable that you should get professional advice from an Oakville dentist when experiencing severe dental pain. Here are some common myths about toothaches that you should be aware of:

1.     If the pain suddenly disappears, then it means you have recovered

This is one of the most common myths that people believe. If you had a toothache and it suddenly disappears before you were able to visit a dentist Oakville, this doesn’t mean that the problem is solved. Rather, you should still consult a professional dental expert since the pain is likely to recur unless the underlying problem is comprehensively solved.

2.     The solution to a toothache is always extraction

This is another common misconception that many people have. When you have a toothache, you shouldn’t be so quick to request your dentist to extract the tooth. Rather, you should listen to your dentist to find out if there are any other alternative treatment options which can successfully alleviate the pain without extracting the tooth.

3.     A mild toothache can be ignored

There are varying levels of dental pain which people can experience. However, it is important to note that all toothache always points to an underlying problem. Hence you should always seek professional treatment whenever you encounter any form of dental pain, whether mild or severe. This ensures that the problem will be effectively solved before things get worse. 

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Why Is Regular Dental Checkup Important?

Maintenance of good oral health demands the involvement of an expert. Your daily efforts of brushing and flossing your teeth aren’t enough. It will only help in preventing plaque buildup in some places. However, infections will continue developing in hidden areas. To prevent such a case from happening, you must visit a competent dentist regularly. Listed below are reasons why regular dental checkup is crucial.

Proper cleaning to prevent decay 

When you go for routine checkups, the dentist Oakville locals will look for plaque buildup.  After a careful examination,  hygienists will properly clean your teeth.  Their ultimate goal for checkups is to prevent diseases and decay. Hence, you will have perfect oral health.

Oral cancer 

Exceptional practitioners prioritize the oral health of their patients. They will want to protect them from dangerous diseases and infections. That is why in complete checkups, the dentists will look for signs of oral cancer. This condition can only be treated when detected in its early stages. Remember, this disease can lead to death.

Lower treatment cost

Prevention is always better than cure. Paying for regular checkup is less expensive than treating oral diseases and infections. Irrespective of the costs, some disorders can put your life at risk too. To avoid spending more money on preventable diseases, visit a competent Oakville dentist for a proper checkup. Routine checkups are affordable. 

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3 Tips for Selecting a Reliable Dentist

To maintain good oral health, you will need the services of a good dentist. By routinely visiting the dentist, you will help prevent many infections or diseases. Besides keeping your gums and teeth healthy, you might avoid chronic diseases such as but not limited to oral cancer. To receive impeccable dental care, follow these tips to select a reliable dentist.

Dental insurance plans

Dental services are costly. That explains why many people cannot afford them. If you have a dental plan, look for a dentist Oakville that accepts it. Some dentists never accept insurance payments. They demand cash after service delivery. It does not make sense to have insurance and pay in cash. That’s wasting your money. Pick a dental practitioner that accepts payments from your insurer.


To identify an exceptional dentist, check their credentials. To effectively deal with dental problems, the practitioner will rely on his/her expertise for guidance. Dentists must have legitimate certificates proving they underwent professional training. They must also have extensive experience in dentistry. An experienced and knowledgeable dental specialist will deliver impeccable checkups and treatment.

Patient referrals

When looking for a good Oakville dentist, check the info provided by the patients. Word of mouth is good thing.  However, internet reviews are not always liable, as nowadays a lot of people use the internet to post negative reviews if they do not get what they want.  Your friends, family, and the majority of internet reviews can help you know if a dentist is reliable or unreliable. Avoid going to a dentist with many negative reviews, but a few negative reviews are expected.

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Bridges Versus Dentures – What Is the Best Option for You?

Regular dental checkups, brushing your teeth and flossing is great. However, it may not always prevent tooth loss. Additionally, there are other factors that can cause your teeth to fall off; for instance accidents. While it is possible to live without the missing tooth or teeth, replacement is highly recommended.

There are many options but two are prominently used when it comes to replacing a tooth. In the case of multiple teeth being lost, you can go for either bridges or dentures. They help you replace the empty spot on your mouth and may  help restore a confident smile.

Thanks to fast-paced progress in dentistry, you can now choose between the two. These two solutions have grown in leaps and bounds. They are equally good and help fix dental issues. So, how do you choose the option to go with? Here are some factors to consider before getting any bridges or dentures.

How much will it cost?

If you are looking for a less expensive option from an Oakville dentist, you might consider going for dentures. So, if you are on a tight budget, the obvious choice would be to go for dentures.

How many teeth are missing?

If you are missing a lot of teeth or all of them, then it would be advisable to go with dentures. People with strong teeth and bone support can be good candidates for bridges. Better yet is to speak to the dentist Oakville about dental implants instead of bridges and dentures.

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Tooth Pain Could Be an Indication of Something More

Everyone has suffered tooth pain at some point in time. The causes of dental pain come in many varieties. Sometimes, it is just because teeth are emerging. This causes pain in the gums as the tooth pushes its way up. However, this is often more of a discomfort than pain.

This is the nature of toothaches. They range from mild discomfort to suffocating pain that makes you lose sleep. A common assumption is that if you are experiencing pain in the tooth, it is probably just sensitivity. While sometimes this might be the case, there are conditions far worse than tooth sensitivity. These include:

●        Tooth Decay

At its most basic level, tooth decay damages the surface of the tooth. This is the result of acids attacking the enamel. Advanced tooth decay, however, is more than just a worn-out or uneven enamel. It could mean cavities, infection of the tooth pulp and even loss of the teeth. Tooth decay can cause that agonizing pain but a quick visit to a dentist Oakville to have this sorted out fast.

●        Periodontal disease

The pain from periodontal disease is often a dull aching pain. Typically, periodontal disease will just make the gums swell and bleed. However, at advanced levels, it can result in dental pain.

●        Bruxism

Bruxism is just the medical term for grinding teeth. If your teeth are in pain and you do not have any signs of tooth decay or periodontal disease, then it could be a case of grinding teeth. This causes morning headaches, painful jaw muscles and general facial pain. Speak to your Oakville dentist for professional counsel on how to sort this out.

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The Horrors of Halitosis – What Causes This Foul Disease?

Bad breath is very embarrassing. And it is also an expensive affair. It will have you buying all the gum and mint in the store. However, did you know a quick trip to the dentist might be able to fix it permanently?

Causes of bad breath

Halitosis, as it is called in medical circles, is mostly caused by bacteria on the tongue and the mouth. Some of the causes of bad breath include:

·         Gum disease

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss among adults. It may not present any visible symptoms. Gum health checks by a dentist Oakville can be essential to keeping your breath fresh and your gums healthy.

·         Dry mouth 

Saliva is not only crucial in digesting food; it also helps keep the mouth moist and helps in controlling bacteria. A dry mouth can cause really bad breath. Saliva helps in washing away food particles that would otherwise stick to the surface of the teeth and lead to a build-up in plaque. Plaque is a leading cause of tooth decay because it erodes the enamel and infects the softer inner layer of the tooth. When this inner layer begins to rot, it releases an offensive smell.

·         Loose or ill-fitting dentures

Some food particles might get trapped under dentures that do not fit properly or are not cleaned regularly. This results in bacteria which can cause a bad breath.

However, worry not! Visit The Tooth Fairy Dentistry to have a chat with an Oakville dentist today. Bad breath should not be a pain point for you.

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Get Restorative Dental Care Only from the Best

Restorative dentistry is a term used by dental professionals to explain how they repair damaged or missing teeth. Crowns, fillings, bridges and implants are common restorative options. The main aim is to prevent future oral health issues and give you back your natural smile.

Why is restorative dentistry important?

·  Helps fill empty spaces in the mouth and helps keep teeth properly aligned

·  Replacing teeth makes it easy to have good oral hygiene habits which reduce chances of plaque building up.

·  Missing teeth can affect your appearance, self-esteem, and health.

Types of restorative dental options

Some common types of restorative dental solutions that can be provided by your Oakville dentist at Tooth Fairy Dentistry include:

·  Fillings – The process involves filling a cavity in your teeth with silver amalgam, gold, or tooth-colored plastic and glass material known as composite resin fillings.

·  Crowns –These are basically tooth-shaped caps that are placed over the tooth to restore the shape and size. They are also used to strengthen the teeth or improve appearance as well as to cover dental implants.

·  Implants – These are small, anchoring posts made of metal. They are placed on the bone socket where your missing tooth was. You would have to get the best dentist Oakville has to offer to have the implants installed properly.

· Dentures –These are replacements for missing teeth and the removable tissue surrounding it.

·  Bridges These are also known as partial dentures. Bridges are also false teeth made to seal a gap made by one or many missing teeth. They can be on either side of dental crowns and cemented permanently.   For more information please visit:

3 Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

It can be tempting to skip dental checkups, especially if you intend to save some money. During checkups, you will receive professional cleaning and advice. That will prevent you from spending money on costly treatment procedures for dangerous infections. It will save your teeth, health, and life. Listed are the benefits of going for regular dental checkups. 

Save your smile 

Attractive people have the best smiles. Without healthy and sparkling white teeth, you will not have a pretty smile. The dentist Oakville natives love is committed to preserving their smile by preventing tooth decay or loss due to gum disease. Some experts provide cosmetic dentistry too. Through cosmetic procedures, you will enhance your beauty with a perfect smile. 

Clean teeth and fresh breath

Simply brushing your teeth daily is not an adequate way of maintaining oral hygiene. There are places where the toothbrush cannot reach. Tartar and calculus will build up in those hidden areas. During a professional cleaning, the calculus and tartar will be removed. After the procedure, you will feel better due to having clean teeth and fresh breath. 

Life-saving procedure 

Apart from checking your gums and teeth, the Oakville dentist will search for symptoms of oral cancer. According to the experts, if oral cancer is undetected in its early stages, it will become a life-threatening disease. Many people have lost their lives to this disease yet it could have been caught early and successfully treated if they went for regular checkups. 

To look for the dead tissue produced by the tumors, the dentists always use a special light. Hence, oral cancer is only detectable in dental offices. 

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